Marvel and NetEase Games have teamed up to deliver the most dynamic, eye-popping and faithful recreation of the Marvel Universe on the small screen. Get ready to explore more possibilities and experience the action like never before!
Iron Man vs. Captain Marvel, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool, X-Men vs. Avengers! Epic 5v5 real-time battles are about to shake the vast cosmos!
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Pilih Pembelian Anda
Marvel Super War 55 Star Credits
Rp 15.185,00
Marvel Super War 275 Star Credits
Rp 66.500,00
Marvel Super War 565 Star Credits
Rp 135.400,00
Marvel Super War 1155 Star Credits
Rp 270.400,00
Marvel Super War 1765 Star Credits
Rp 411.400,00
Marvel Super War 2950 Star Credits
Rp 670.400,00
Marvel Super War 6000 Star Credits
Rp 1.350.400,00
Pilih Pembayaran
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CIMB Niaga Virtual Account
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QRIS Payment
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